
We, Kanak Garlic are renowned bulk garlic suppliers and exporters located in India dealing with the Garlic business with efficiency and adroitness. As we are the business for many years, we excelled in the art of exporting and also in garlic processing which makes us the desirable choice across the globe.


As soon as the products reach the final stage, we accumulate them in a dry place with minimum temperature to avoid all kind of damage issues. Once we receive the order, we take the freshly processed items from the storage and pack them suitably.


Packaging plays a crucial role in online selling phenomena. Especially when we export the product, we tend fo forget that the product gets exposed to differential climatic conditions and surroundings which may cause several kinds of damage by the time it reaches the destination. Therefore, we have a separate set of the team that is competent in cleaning & packaging after thorough cross-checking of the quality parameters.

Quality Checks:

At Kanak Garlic, the product usually passes through multiple checks and is only delivered to the end user if it passes all the phases of the tests. If the garlic remains unpassed through one check, we take it out from the stock and replace it with fresh stock. This way, we stay true to our customers and provide the maximum customer satisfaction.

Shipping & Delivery:

Our shipping procedure is tight-stretched, and you will always get the product within the expected time. We will provide you a personal tracking status about the order when it’s dispatched. We have our customer support available 24*7, and whenever you have any inquiries regarding the order, you can always talk to our team and get their help.


If you stay overseas and find it difficult to order garlic repeatedly or if you’re an Indian who’s looking to buy huge amounts of garlic for occasional purposes, we can offer you advantageous deals where you can find the best garlic recuperating prices.